Woodlam Indonesia VPanel

A composition of multiple lumber boards layered crosswise
and bonded together using structural adhesives.

Veneer is a very thin layer of wood that is sliced or peeled from a log and glued to a coreboard to create flat panels for use in numerous applications. This process has the benefit of being more cost effective and more environmentally friendly whilst still retaining the look of solid wood.

We offer nearly endless options for configuration, layout, specie, and style that provide custom design solutions for architectural ceiling and wall applications. Woodlam Indonesia VPanel created to enhance and bring out the natural character of wood by offering natural textures and aesthetic impact to a previously unprecendented degree.

A New Architectural Vision

What makes Woodlam Indonesia Vpanel unique and desirable is we use 0.6mm thick veneer and joint it using the atest technology. The veneer is jointed using hot-melt string applied in a zig-zag layout wit an electric jointing gun. This technique is used to obtain a perfect bond.


With the multiple options of colors and materials available, we have a solution for every veneered panel design need, Woodlam Indonesia VPanels are easy to install, and conform to several sustainability standards including FSC, FLEGT, and SVLK


Cross laminated timber excels in thermal, acoustic and fire performance. Manufactured with high accuracy, CLT panels improve a buildings thermal performance through its airtight properties and construction. It also subsequently reduces the overall energy usage of a particular building.

  • CLT panels store carbon dioxide in the air. Unlike Steel and Concrete which releases carbon dioxide emissions into the air, timber sequesters carbon.
  • CLT Panels thicker than 95mm are super airtight and assist with the durability of the structure.
  • CLT offers significant advantages in respect to fire protection compared with reinforced concrete or steel.
  • CLT panels with acoustic insulation exceed building regulation requirements.
  • The wood used for manufacturing our products are from sustainably managed plantation forests, meaning that only trees of a certain diameter are extracted for manufacturing, and not all trees are used. In other words, no deforestation. Furthermore, after the logs are taken out, new trees are planted to continue a growth and cut cycle of timber. It is important to note that all our timber is legally certified by local government bodies according to its origin.


Don’t be shy, our experienced team are here to help you with any questions you have.